Energy Committee Meeting
Colrain Town Garage meeting room
A meeting of the Energy Committee
Colrain Energy Committee
Agenda for October 17, 2019 6-8 pm
Highway Department meeting room
#1 Welcome; appoint minute taker; check-ins.
#2 Review and approve minutes from August meeting.
#3 Report regarding Monday October 7 meeting with BOS.
#4 We need to communicate with Kevin through our chair, Elizabeth from this point onward.
#5 We need to communicate any contact we have with any entity outside of our committee,
about EC work, with Kevin, through Elizabeth.
#6 Review updated narrative for town-owned solar on town garage and at transfer station./
#7Update on CCA (Peter)
#8 Request from Talia, Service Learning Coordinator at Colrain Central School for update to
now 5th graders regarding status of town solar project. “Why are the solar panels not going on
the school?”
#9 Other business that could not be foreseen before this meeting.
#10 Next meeting THURSDAY November 21, 2019 at 6:00-8:00.
Energy Committee 2019-10-17 Minutes (2019-12-15 at 10:46 PM)