Planning Board Meeting
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A meeting of the Planning Board
Planning Board Meeting
June 9, 2021, 6:00pm – June 10, 2021, 12:00am ·
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Meeting of Planning Board
Members: (Quorum)
- Remote: Sara Wik, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Remote: Robert Slowinski, Chair, at 6:00 PM
- Remote: Loren Feinstein, Secretary, at 6:00 PM
- Remote: Gregory Olchowski, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Remote: Marybeth Chichester, Member, at 6:00 PM
Final Minutes
Meeting opened: 6:03 PM
Meeting closed: 6:55 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Wed, May 5 - Planning Board Meeting
New Business
6:06 PM: Tim Slowinski ANR
MOTION, moved by Sara Wik, seconded by Gregory Olchowski: All in favor of signing the ANR as presented.
Pass: Aye: Marybeth Chichester, Gregory Olchowski, Sara Wik, Loren Feinstein. Abstain: Robert Slowinski.
(Note: Bobby Slowinski recused himself for this proceeding.)
- tim_survey.pdf - 10 Adamsville Rd.
6:48: FRCOG Stormwater and Drainage Planning grant application - Request from FRCOG as to whether the Colrain Planning Board would like to participate in a future study regarding stormwater drainage and retention and river corridor protection.
General Discussion...
Bobby will request more information and then likely agree to join the regional program, assuming it would only be beneficial and not cost the town anything.
Old Business
6:15 PM: Short Term Rentals/Bed and Breakfast Discussion - Continued discussion
General Discussion...
The board discussed the Short Term Rental webinar that was run by FRCOG, which some of the members attended. There was much useful information shared, but also the region and state are all seeking clarity that does not yet exist and is awaiting current pending law suits for precedent.
There was general discussion about many points that a bylaw amendment could address, but also we need to obtain more information from other parts of the town and state, including the building inspector and perhaps Zoning Board. So many details will need to be discussed and addressed carefully when this bylaw concern is undertaken, and there is agreement that it must eventually be addressed in order to clarify our laws and protect our town, but the board feels there is insufficient information to address this at this moment.
There is a national, state, and regional push to attempt to deal with this issue, and the Planning Board agrees that we need to continue to discuss this and gather information, but we will not immediately be able to make any clear decisions until we see where the state is heading and gather more information.
Bobby will send a letter on behalf of the Planning Board to the Zoning Board and Colrain Building Inspector to request any information and direction they may have, as well as offer the possibility of a joint meeting to discuss this issue. -
6:34 PM: Review of Setbacks per Zoning Board Request - Continued discussion
General Discussion...
Marybeth and Bobby are obtaining more information on recent zoning variance requests that were pertaining to setbacks in order to have more background for the reason to address the setbacks.
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Wed, Sep 8, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Online/Dial In Only - See Below for Info
- Wed, Oct 13, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Online/Dial In Only - See Below for Info
- Wed, Nov 3, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Online/Dial In Only - See Below for Info
- Wed, Dec 1, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Online/Dial In Only - See Below for Info
- Wed, Jan 12, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Online/Dial In Only - See Below for Info
- Next Meetings:
Minutes prepared by Planning Board Secretary
Minutes approved on Wednesday, Oct 6, 2021