Planning Board Meeting
55 Main Rd. downstairs meeting room
A meeting of the Planning Board
Meeting of Planning Board
Members: (Quorum)
- Absent: Loren Feinstein, Secretary
- Absent: Ben Eastman, Member
- Present: Sara Wik, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Robert Slowinski, Chair, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Gregory Olchowski, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Marybeth Chichester, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Present: David Greenberg, Member, at 6:00 PM
Final Minutes
Meeting opened: 6:00 PM
Meeting closed: 7:29 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
No minutes to approve.
New Business
6:00PM: Approvals Not Required - 1-Ben Niles 2-Gary Herzig
General Discussion...
Both plans were reviewed and it was determined that approval was not required.MOTION, moved by Sara Wik, seconded by Marybeth Chichester: To determine that approval was not required for the Gary Herzig ANR.
Pass: Aye: Gregory Olchowski, David Greenberg, Sara Wik, Marybeth Chichester, Robert Slowinski. Not Present: Ben Eastman, Loren Feinstein.
MOTION, moved by David Greenberg, seconded by Sara Wik: To determine that approval was not required for the Ben Niles ANR.
Pass: Aye: Gregory Olchowski, David Greenberg, Sara Wik, Marybeth Chichester, Robert Slowinski. Not Present: Ben Eastman, Loren Feinstein.
6:10PM: New Projects Discussion - Discuss Accessory Apartment definition
General Discussion...
The consensus was to keep the bylaw as written, and add to review during Master Plan discussions. -
6:30PM: New Projects Discussion - Flood Plain Bylaw-the necessity to update per FEMA and Federal Flood Insurance
General Discussion...
Tasks going forward-
Send the designation of Floodplain Administrator verbiage to select board and inquire which town employees need to be responsible.
Send the Conservation Commission the paragraph which relates to them and ask if they have any questions. -
7:14PM: CPA Discussion - Tacks on a small surcharge to real estate taxes to generate income for the community and get additional money from the state.
General Discussion...
This money can be used for local improvement projects. cpa_overview_flyer_2022_0.pdf - Informational Flyer
Old Business
6:45PM: Short Term Rentals/Bed and Breakfast Continued Discussion
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Wed, Aug 3, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- 55 Main Rd. downstairs meeting room
- Wed, Sep 14, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- 55 Main Rd. downstairs meeting room
- Wed, Oct 5, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- 55 Main Rd. downstairs meeting room
- Wed, Nov 2, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- 55 Main Rd. downstairs meeting room
- Wed, Dec 7, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- 55 Main Rd. downstairs meeting room
- Next Meetings:
Minutes prepared by Robert Slowinski
Minutes approved on Wednesday, Aug 3, 2022