Council on Aging Meeting
Colrain Town Office - 55 Main Rd, Colrain, MA 01340
A meeting of the Council on Aging
Colrain Council on Aging Meeting
Date: Monday, November 27, 2023
Place: Colrain Town Office
Colrain, Ma 01340
Time: 2:00 PM
1. Secretary’s report
2. Treasurer’s report
3. Approve donations and payment of bills
4. Foot clinic
Who will be at foot clinic?
5. Old business-
- Eagles’ dinners
- Digital Literacy Grant implementation
Choose lottery winners
Schedule distribution with Bernardston
- Vouchers
- COA formula grant -The Executive Office of Elder Affairs (EOEA) will issue the first 50 percent of Council on Aging (COA) Formula Grant funding in the coming days. The funds will be deposited directly into municipal accounts. All COAs will receive their full Formula Grant at $14 per older adult based on the 2020 Census in FY24 with 50% deposited in the coming days and the remaining 50% in January 2024.
- Grant for school exploration
6. New business-
- Letter to go in street listing mailing
- Meeting date in December, January
7. Anything the chair did not reasonably anticipate.
Betty Johnson
COA 2023-11-27 Agenda (2024-04-06 at 12:36 PM)
COA 2023-11-27 Minutes (2024-02-09 at 10:57 AM)