Mohawk Trail Sustainability Study Update
Thursday, October 10, 2024, 7:00 pm until 8:30 pm
Google Meet -
Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts
Sustainability Study
Contact: H. Jake Eberwein, Project Manager,
September 27, 2024
The 2districts8towns Sustainability Study is moving into a new phase following the completion of a series of reports and the identification of options and opportunities that could strengthen and sustain the Mohawk Trail and Hawlemont Regional School Districts. During this phase, the BERK12 research team will work with the 2districts8towns steering committee to identify possible models that address challenges faced by the districts and engage the community in providing input.
On October 10, 7:00–8:30 pm, BERK12 will give a virtual update on progress of the Sustainability Study. Community members, school families, and district staff are encouraged to participate and can access the meeting through these links:
JOIN BY PHONE Call: 1 505-636-0084, When prompted, use PIN: 981 448 988#
In addition, Superintendent Sheryl Stanton and School Committee Chairs Martha Thurber and Elizabeth Van Iderstine will meet with local selectboards on the following dates to provide progress reports:
- Charlemont and Hawley select boards, October 7, 7:00 pm, Hawlemont Regional School cafeteria
- Buckland select board, October 8, 6:15 pm, Buckland Town Hall
- Ashfield and Plainfield select boards, October 15, 7:00 pm, Sanderson Academy
- Shelburne select board, October 21, 6:00 pm via Zoom
- Colrain and Heath select boards, October 22, 4:35 pm, Colrain Town Hall
BERK12 is continuing to post reports on the resources page of the 2districts8towns resource page website, while others are in review by the advisory teams. The most recently added reports are a Community Outreach report and an Early Childhood Brief. A progress report summarizing work and findings to date will be added soon.
Through a series of working sessions this summer (slide decks HERE under presentations), the 2Districts8Towns Steering Committee evaluated a comprehensive list of potential options and opportunities that were identified in surveys and public forums. BERK12 will guide the Steering Committee in reviewing which models best address the district’s challenges and will offer ongoing opportunities for public input as these models are considered.
Community members are encouraged to submit questions or comments through the CONTACT link on the website. For those just becoming familiar with the Sustainability Study, a one page project overview is available HERE.
For more information, contact project manager H. Jake Eberwein, or community outreach coordinator Mary Nash,
2D8TUpdate-September2024 (2024-10-01 at 1:04 PM)
CommunityUpdateOct10-QR (2024-10-01 at 1:04 PM)