Planning Board Meeting
Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
A meeting of the Planning Board
Meeting of Planning Board
Members: (Quorum)
- Present: Betsy Corner, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Sara Wik, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Jonathan Lagreze, Vice Chair, at 6:15 PM
- Present: Robert Slowinski, Chair, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Loren Feinstein, Secretary, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Don Kahn, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Gregory Olchowski, Member, at 6:00 PM
Final Minutes
Meeting opened: 6:02 PM
Meeting closed: 7:38 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
Minutes Approved: Wed, Jun 5 - Planning Board meeting
Minutes Approved: Wed, Sep 11 - Planning Board Meeting
Minutes Approved: Wed, Oct 16 - Planning Board Meeting
Minutes Approved: Wed, Nov 6 - Public Hearing- Rec. Marijuana and Bylaw Recodification
Minutes Approved: Wed, Nov 6 - Planning Board Meeting
Old Business
6:00PM: Recreational Marijuana- Town Meeting Report (VOTE POSSIBLE) - Create and Submit a report to select board on the recreational marijuana bylaw warrant article.
MOTION, moved by Sara Wik, seconded by Gregory Olchowski: Motion to present our favorable recommendation to the Select Board on the current version of the Recodification and Marijuana Amendments for the warrant of the Special Town Meeting, along with our accompanying recommendation document as agreed in this discussion.
Pass: Aye: Betsy Corner, Sara Wik, Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn, Gregory Olchowski.
Mr. Olchowski proposed that the Planning Board come to consensus or agreement on content, what form, and how best to present this recommendation. He presented a proposed draft of this recommendation, which the board reviewed and approved.
Mr. Lagreze asked about the status of the document, and whether any adjustments had been made since the public hearing on Nov. 6th. The document is already in process and is the version presented at the public hearing. The only way to amend it at this point would be to do so on the floor at the special town meeting. -
6:15PM: Recodification- Town Meeting Report (VOTE POSSIBLE) - Create and Submit a report to select board on the recodification warrant article.
New Business
6:30PM: Begin Master Plan Update Process - Our Master Plan is very out of date. It is the duty of the planning board to create and maintain the Master plan.
General Discussion...
Desire was expressed to try and obtain other neighboring and similar township's master plans for research and comparison purposes. Mr. Slowinski offered to follow up on that.
Mr. Lagreze also mentioned that we as a board should look at the county planning documents for reference as well. Also presented the concept of a "Long Range Planning Committee" potentially including non-board members for discussion. He also mentioned looking into the potential involvement and support from outside sources, such as FRCOG.
Decided to table this and look at other town comparable master plans prior to the next board meeting. Documents to be distributed digitally before the next meeting.
Ms. Corner suggested that we also as a board make note of the authorship of the other town planning documents that we obtain.
Mr. Olchowski suggested tabling the discussion of sub-committees or panels formation until further meetings for discussion we see what other town's documents look like. -
6:45PM: Bed and Breakfast/ Short Term Rental Bylaw Update - Massachusetts State Law Definitions attached.
General Discussion...
Discussed the need to address the current town bylaw, which may need updating with regards to details of the definitions and uses.
Mr. Slowinski offered to bring more information and definitions to the next meeting.
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Wed, Dec 25, at 12:15 AM "Closed for Christmas " -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Wed, Jan 1, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- CANCELLED -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Wed, Jan 8, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Mon, Jan 27, at 7:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Wed, Feb 5, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Next Meetings:
Minutes approved on Wednesday, Jan 8, 2020