Planning Board Meeting
Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
A meeting of the Planning Board
Meeting of Planning Board
Members: (Quorum)
- Absent: Betsy Corner, Member
- Absent: Sara Wik, Member
- Present: Jonathan Lagreze, Vice Chair, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Robert Slowinski, Chair, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Loren Feinstein, Secretary, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Don Kahn, Member, at 6:00 PM
Also Present:
- Peggy Sloan FRCOG. Gregory Olchowski pending Planning Board member.
Final Minutes
Meeting opened: 6:07 PM
Meeting closed: 8:17 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
No minutes to approve.
Old Business
6:00PM: Visit from Peggy Sloan
General Discussion...
Discussed current state of marijuana zoning bylaw and proposed adding a section to the use table to address marijuana cafes and social establishments.
Generally sought to simplify and allow any marijuana establishments and agriculture by Special Permit.
Discussed setting a new public hearing for the Zoning Bylaw recodification for November 6th at 6pm at Colrain Central School.
Decided to postpone setting the Marijuana Zoning Bylaw public hearing date until the planning board is totally clear on it's final proposed format at the planning board meeting on October 2nd. -
6:30: Vote on Path to Move Forward
MOTION, moved by Jonathan Lagreze, seconded by Don Kahn: To send the zoning bylaw recodification and supporting documents to the select board for them obtain advice from town counsel on the adequacy of the documentation for the presentation at a public hearing and then to be able to act upon its content at a town meeting.
Pass: Aye: Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner, Sara Wik.
MOTION, moved by Jonathan Lagreze, seconded by Don Kahn: To request that the planning board be included on the select board's communications with town counsel on topics pertaining to the planning board's actions.
Pass: Aye: Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner, Sara Wik.
8:11: Approve Meeting Minutes From June 5th
MOTION, moved by Jonathan Lagreze, seconded by Robert Slowinski: To postpone approval of minutes from the previous planning board meeting on June 3rd to the next planning board meeting.
Pass: Aye: Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner, Sara Wik.
New Business
ANR-Tim Rice
General Discussion...
Reviewed and confirmed that the ANR meets the required criteria for the requested subdivision. -
8:01: Western Mass Municipal Conference
General Discussion...
Johnathan presented the invitation to attend this municipal training conference and suggested we attempt to have representatives from the planning board attend.MOTION, moved by Jonathan Lagreze, seconded by Loren Feinstein: To encourage members of the planning board to attend this educational conference and that the $35 fee be covered by the planning board's training and education budget.
Pass: Aye: Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner, Sara Wik.
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Wed, Oct 2, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- CANCELLED -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Wed, Oct 16, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Wed, Nov 6, at 5:00 PM "Public Hearing- Rec. Marijuana and Bylaw Recodification" -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Wed, Nov 6, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Wed, Dec 4, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Highway Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd.
- Next Meetings:
Minutes approved on Wednesday, Dec 4, 2019