Planning Board Meeting
Town Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd
A meeting of the Planning Board
Meeting of Planning Board
Members: (Quorum)
- Absent: Betsy Corner, Member
- Present: Sara Wik, Member, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Jonathan Lagreze, Vice Chair, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Robert Slowinski, Chair, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Loren Feinstein, Secretary, at 6:00 PM
- Present: Don Kahn, Member, at 6:00 PM
Final Minutes
Meeting opened: 6:08 PM
Meeting closed: 8:05 PM
Meeting Preliminaries
Meeting Opened / Attendance Taken (see above).
No minutes to approve.
Additional Attendance
6:05: Additional Attendees - Brian Simard, of 108 W. Leyden Rd. Dennis DePaolo, of 108 W. Leyden Rd. Peggy Sloan of FRCOG Alice Wozniak, Colrain Assessor Greg Olchowski, of Colrain
Old Business
6:00PM: Visit From Peggy Sloan - Presentation of Final Draft of Proposed Recreational Marijuana Bylaws, including Marijuana Cafes, Schedule Public Hearing
MOTION, moved by Don Kahn, seconded by Jonathan Lagreze: To remove all of the newly added text (in red) of Section 4 of the draft of the Protective Zoning Bylaws reading ", except that Marijuana Microbusinesses may have a residential use on the same lot pursuant to a Special Permit if granted...Site Plan Review.".
Fail: Aye: Jonathan Lagreze, Don Kahn. Nay: Sara Wik, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein. Not Present: Betsy Corner, Gregory Olchowski.
Discussed impacts of singling out a single type of business.
MOTION, moved by Don Kahn, seconded by Jonathan Lagreze: To remove the "up to 10,000 square feet of enclosed floor area" limit as written in the accompanying Business Use Table, and leaving the rest in place.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
MOTION, moved by Jonathan Lagreze, seconded by Loren Feinstein: to remove "up to 5,000 square feet of enclosed floor area" from the Marijuana Social Consumption Establishment section of the accompanying Zonining Bylaw draft use table, while leaving the rest of the revision in place.
Pass: Aye: Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Nay: Sara Wik. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
MOTION, moved by Robert Slowinski, seconded by Sara Wik: To remove section 7.1 from the proposed draft of the accompanying Zoning Bylaw amendment. As recommended by Peggy Sloan of FRCOG, also present.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
MOTION, moved by Don Kahn, seconded by Jonathan Lagreze: to remove "up to 5,000 square of enclosed floor space" from the Marijuana Retailer section of the accompanying draft of the proposed amendment of the Zoning Bylaw.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
MOTION, moved by Loren Feinstein, seconded by Don Kahn: To present the current draft of the Marijuana Amendment to the Zoning Bylaws as presented in the accompanying document by Peggy Sloan of FRCOG, with all above passing motions taken into account and amended in the draft.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Abstain: Jonathan Lagreze. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
MOTION, moved by Loren Feinstein, seconded by Sara Wik: To schedule and post notices for a public hearing regarding the Zoning Bylaw Recodification and the Marijuana Amendment on Weds, November 16th, at 5pm at the Colrain Central School.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Nay: Jonathan Lagreze. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
Johnathan Lagreze wanted the hearing to be held at the Town Office. Discussion about size limitation ensued.
MOTION, moved by Robert Slowinski, seconded by Sara Wik: To have Peggy Sloan of FRCOG present the information as discussed at the pertaining Public Hearing on November 6th.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
- Colrain_-_Recreational_Marijuana_Zoning_Amendments_-_Public_Hearing_Draft_10-10-19.pdf - Draft of Marijuana Zoning Amendments presented by Peggy Sloan of FRCOG at this meeting for review.
6:15PM: Recodification Process - Vote to submit to select board for STM
MOTION, moved by Robert Slowinski, seconded by Loren Feinstein: To align our current proposed Zoning Bylaw Recodification document with the May 8th, 2018 Zoning Bylaws, as they are the latest town-approved bylaws, and present that final draft to the town office for public notice of the November 6th Public Hearing.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
New Business
6:30PM: FY2021 Budget - Proposals for 2021 Budget Request
MOTION, moved by Sara Wik, seconded by Robert Slowinski: To keep our budget proposal at the current $1000 per year.
Pass: Aye: Sara Wik, Jonathan Lagreze, Robert Slowinski, Loren Feinstein, Don Kahn. Not Present: Betsy Corner.
Johnathan Lagreze would like to be able to discuss budget numbers, in particular for legal and clerk expenses, should the planning board want to seek direct legal advice or obtain clerking assistance. Discussion about use of Town Counsel through the approval of the Select Board ensued.
Johnathan also wanted to discuss the town allotted clerking hours of Alice Wozniak.
Meeting Wrap-up
- Next Meetings:
- Wed, Nov 6, at 5:00 PM "Public Hearing- Rec. Marijuana and Bylaw Recodification" -- Town Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd
- Wed, Nov 6, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Town Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd
- Wed, Dec 4, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- Town Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd
- Wed, Dec 25, at 12:15 AM "Closed for Christmas " -- Town Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd
- Wed, Jan 1, at 6:00 PM "Planning Board Meeting" -- CANCELLED -- Town Garage-9 Jacksonville Rd
- Next Meetings:
Minutes prepared by Planning Board Secretary
Minutes approved on Wednesday, Dec 4, 2019