Special Town Meeting
Colrain Town Offices - 55 Main Rd.
A meeting of the Select Board
Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Special Town Meeting Warrant
Fiscal Year 2021
To either of the Constables of the Town of Colrain in the County of Franklin.
In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are hereby directed to notify and warn the inhabitants of said town, qualified to vote on town affairs, to meet at The Colrain Town Office, located at 55 Main Road at 6:00 PM in said town on Monday, the twentieth in July next, in the year two thousand twenty, there and then to act on the following article:
ARTICLE #1. To see if the Town will vote to accept the altered layouts of portions of Main Road, Jacksonville Road and Greenfield Road as public ways, as heretofore altered by the Select Board, to include within the layouts of said ways the parcels of land shown as Parcel E-1-T, Parcel 4-T and Parcel 5-T on a plan entitled “Alteration and Easement Plan: Main Road (Route 112), Jacksonville Road ( Route 112) and Greenfield Road,” dated June 2, 2020, prepared by Sherman & Frydryk, LLC, on file with the Town Clerk; or take any action relative thereto.
And you are directed to serve this Warrant by posting up attested copies thereof at two usual places in said town, fourteen days at least, before the time of holding said meeting.
Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your doings thereon, to the town clerk, at the time and place of meeting, as aforesaid.
Given under our hands this seventh of July, two thousand twenty.
Mark A. Thibodeau, Chair
Joseph Kurland
Michael Slowinski
Colrain Board of Selectmen
Attest: _________________________