Select Board Meeting
Colrain Town Office,55 Main Road, Colrain, MA, United States
A meeting of the Select Board
Approve Warrants and Minutes
Informational Presentation: Pre-Grant Application -- North River Restoration Projects -- Natural Resource Damages Trust -- Karen Pelto MA DEP
Chapter 61A Right of First Refusal Option -- Map 107 Lots 1.1 and 1.4 -- Votes Possible Cancelled
Paula Harrison -- Tax Collector /Treasurer -- Clarification of Personnel Policies as Applicable to Town Clerk -- Vote Possible
New Business:
Letter From Lark Thwing, Chair -- Mohawk Trail RSD -- RE -- Considering Changing the ATM Date -- Vote Possible
FRCOG -- DLTA Funding Priorities -- Votes Possible
Contract For Engineering and Resident Inspection Service -- Weston and Sampson -- Vote Possible
2013 Class I, II and Common Victualor Licenses -- Votes Possible
2016 Retail Liquor License Renewal Certification -- Vote Possible
Report From Mohawk RSD -- First Budget Meeting
Fee Proposal/Contract for Designer Services (Highway Garage) Weston & Sampson - Vote Possible
Old Business:
Town Property Repairs -- Votes Possible
Select Board 2015-12-21 Minutes (2023-08-23 at 10:38 AM)