Select Board Meeting
55 Main Rd, Colrain, MA 01340, USA
A meeting of the Select Board ----- Agenda Topics -----
Approve warrants and minutes -- votes possible
New Business:
Chapter 90 update and spending plans/priorities -- votes possible
Letter from former Broadband committee members
Letter from Colrain Firefighters Assoc. re: brush fire skid unit donation
Establishment of MLP Board in conformity with MGL Ch. 164 -- votes possible
Appointment of MLP manager -- vote possible
Approval of MOU for hauling services -- vote possible
Announcement of DOAR intent to acquire an agricultural preservation restriction -- project #15D03- Wierzbowski
Consent to waive 120 day notice period agricultural preservation restriction -- project #15D03- Wierzbowski - vote possible
Approval of chapter 90 reimbursement request -- vote possible
Appointment of FRTA advisory board member -- vote possible
Police department appointments (Emily Franklin/Jenna Hayes -- votes possible
FRCOG Council and alternate appointments -- vote possible
Other Items Not Anticipated By the Chair 48 Hours Prior To Meeting May Be Added
Select Board 2016-07-13 Minutes (2018-09-24 at 11:28 AM)