Street List info
Street Lists and Census
I would like to remind residents to complete and return your annual street listing forms. The return of your street listing form is necessary to maintain the voting status of residents in Colrain. According to state law, failure to respond to the mailing shall result in removal from the active voting list and may result in removal from the voter registration rolls.
The Street List is used to compile the school list, dog list, and to maintain a census for the town. It is essential that the Town of Colrain knows who is currently living in each household so that the police and fire departments can respond appropriately in an emergency. This information is also used when the town applies for grants and ensures that the town receives adequate State Funding which is based on the population.
The federal census is taken for redistricting every ten years based on the population of our town, which is extremely important so our voices can be heard in Boston and beyond.
The Annual Street List of Residents is published each year in late spring and is available in the Town Clerk’s office.
Please promptly review your form, make changes as needed, sign the form, and return it to the Town Clerk’s Office (even if all the information is correct). If you wish to change your political party you may do so, but only if your signature is written by the change. Persons no longer living in Colrain should be removed from the voting list, so including their contact information is helpful.
Your signed paper form may be returned by mail or dropped in the mail slot at the Town Office foyer, which is always open.
If you are new to the Town of Colrain, or have misplaced your questionnaire, you can call the Town Clerk at 413-624-7100 and I will work to get a new form to you as soon as possible.
Please note that you are NOT registering to vote when you fill out your census.